Monday 27 May 2013

Budget Engagement Day - review DIY Mini dais@pelamin

Bismillah (with the name of Allah)..

Assalammualaikum (peace be upon you)..

Hi gorgeous readers..!!!!

Today i'll update about my stories about E-day...hehe...

Seriously cannot believe that my status now changed from into single (long2 time ago) --> in a relationship (for a long2 time) --> engaged!! 

Actually my feeling ritenow is feelingless...haha..seriously,i still cannot accept the truth and reality that i'm become his fiancee. That means we're now in a very dead serious relationship...woah..O_o

Oh no!! cannot imagine if i'm married!! **collapse for 1 min.. >->O

*shake head a few times.....wake up!....

Pls face the truth Hidayah! u r now only have 1 step to marriage...u r gonna be a good wife (self-hypnotic)..hahaha

Now..the stories begin on the day before 'that' day....

24th May 2013 (Friday) 

My BFFs and I went home. Seriously, i'm really3 appreciates their commitment onto my day. They willing to sacrifice their 'wesak day' to help me in preparation. Group hug to all of you dear (dahiyah, farah, rina and faieza). LOVE UOLS! Sarang hae!

My target is to:

 DIY (do-it-yourself) a simple dais @ mini pelamin.

For hours, we doing trials and errors for mix&match decors. With the limited items 

FINALLY..we finished it on that nite! and i did not spend any pennies on it! 

TOTALLY FREE-OF-CHARGE...just take the existing items and reuse...haha

The result is...---->
(credits to my friends, my sis@ecah and nora)

Simple but it (actually becoz i did not spent any penny on it!) hehe

Behind the scenes of DIY mini dais@mini pelamin:

1. The red flowers background is actually a sliding door curtain. We just nailed it on the wall. (credit to my aunt@ mak uda)

2. The lace on top is my home curtain. We just pin it with needles. 

3. The yellow curtains (y its looked like cream meh??) on the background are just plain satin. Last min i've borrowed it from my aunt@ mak teh. So lucky she have 15 m long plain satin fabric that not used n i just cut it onto 4 parts to become background curtain n the remainder become the cover for the stage. Also we just pin it.

4. Carpet, i borrowed it from my aunt @ mak tam. Also last min plan since ready stock carpet at home is not enough size to cover the floor. 

5. Flowers and vase all took from my house and my aunt. Seriously i've to tour my entire house to find suitable flowers n vase...haha. (Sorry mom, i've made our house bcome so messy =p)

6. 2 cushions are the last touch (credit to my sis@nora)

7. and the stage is actually an old matress in my house...haha. i've got the idea from my friend. We just cover the matress with the balance of yellow curtains, pinned it so that it cannot move, and deco it with flowers)

the ultimate moment ^^

It actually comfy to only sit down on the stage so, no need to rent a cushion more! n my future mum-in-law in above pic <3

So happy that my family and friend willing to help me...i'm so touched with their hardwork..sobs2..

Alhamdullilah (Thank u Allah make the thing become smooth) =)

Later i'll review about my hantaran. And they also DIY.....!

Oh.. i'm so budget! 


Wednesday 22 May 2013

Preparation of Engagement Day



Good day to all readers =)

#2 days to go to E-day!#

This May 13 is quite hectic to me..and FINALLY!! I've done my Final Year Design Project.
A big Fuhhhhh..from me (Alhamdullilah). Our baby is finally done after took months to produce it.-->

Our hardwork..yeah
So my name on there (last one)..with my effort  n my group members<3

1 project down, now another 1 have to settle (research project-tesis =_+)..

Forget that 1st coz my BIG DAY is coming this Saturday..yahooo...

Happy but the preparation?? not settle yet..=_=''

Pelamin - KIV
Hantaran - 5 dulang fully furnished, another 2 otw
Make up - Reserved..
Food - PIC is my father.
Tent - ??

Wahhhh...a lot things to do...=,+

Thursday 9 May 2013

I'm going to engaged soon!



Tp all readers, I'm going to engaged soon! woah2..stop2..engaged??  and in this month?

Engaged = A part of his/her life will be part of your life n vice versa.

I'm ready? 100% sure. Yet, busying to finish my final year projects, thesis, finding a job, getting ready with 3 event of final year dinners, a family day, and now plus a preparation of a engagement in one month..heaven!

Which one to do me oh my dear friends..hehe.

Now, i'm preparing my viva (presentation of my research project) while getting ready to do my 'hantaran' to him.

Cool 16 days to go for E-day..Check list 1st.

1) 'Sirih Junjung' - Mama sponsored
2) Chocolates - My BFF (miss dahiyah) sponsored
3) Cake/ 'kuih' - Mak Lang sponsored
4) Fruits - Dunno yet..hehe..mybe my sis nora (luv u!)
5) Wallet - done!..Levis for him..or him chose Levis O_o?? (x RM170)
6) Watch - done.. him sponsored..oh yeahh!! =D
7) T-shirt - done...him also..leviu =)

So, rite now for the add-ons decorations:-
- 'Dulang' : RM 3/pc x 9 pcs = RM27
- Ribbons + polystrenes + chiffon + paper crepes + wires : RM45

My plan is to DIY (do it yourself) for all the flowers..hehe..mybe cheaper and more creativeness..hehe =)

Later ya!

See u soon for the UPDATES!


Wednesday 8 May 2013


Oleh: Norman 

Dengar saja tentang GST perkara pertama yang akan terlintas di kepala kita sudah pastilah tentang kenaikan harga barang disebabkan cukai yang dikenakan kerajaan. Memandangkan pada PRU13, BN kekal dipilih sebagai kerajaan pelaksanaan GST mungkin akan terjadi dalam tempoh masa setahun atau dua tahun daripada sekarang. Walaubagaimanapun sebagai rakyat yang matang kita haruslah memahami sesuatu isu tersebut sebelum kita membangkang apa sahaja dasar yang dibawa kerajaan. 

Setelah menerima maklumbalas daripada laman media sosial Twitter dan FB saya simpulkan ramai yang sebenarnya tidak faham tentang apa itu sebenarnya GST, bagaimana GST dilaksanakan dan juga kesan GST terhadap harga barang dan perkhidmatan. Saya tidak menyalahkan kawan-kawan semua kerana kerajaan juga tersilap langkah apabila penerangan tentang GST tidak dibuat secara menyeluruh malah peluang menerangkan GST melalui media perdana seperti suratkhabar, tv & radio disia-siakan kerajaan apabila ia hanya digunakan untuk menghentam pembangkang, menabur fitnah dan terbaru membangkitkan semangat perkauman. Sebelum membaca artikel ini saya minta kawan-kawan tinggalkan politik partisan, buka mata dan hati supaya kita faham apa itu sebenarnya GST.


Terdapat dua jenis cukai utama yang dikenakan kepada rakyat Malaysia yang pertama cukai pendapatan (income tax) dan yang kedua cukai penggunaan (consumption tax). Cukai pendapatan adalah cukai yang dikenakan keatas segala pendapatan termasuk gaji, bonus, hadiah, komisen, dividen dan sebagainya. Manakala cukai penggunaan dikenakan keatas barangan yang dibeli atau perkhidmatan yang kita gunakan. GST terletak dibawah kategori cukai penggunaan (consumption tax).


GST adalah 'Goods and Services Tax' atau cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan. Selama ini kita rakyat Malaysia membayar SST iaitu 'Sales tax and Service tax' atau cukai jualan dan cukai perkhidmatan. SST kebiasaannya dikenakan ke atas bil telekomunikasi, internet, ASTRO, tiket wayang, tiket parking, barangan di supermarket, KFC, McD, Pizza pada kadar 6% untuk cukai perkhidmatan (service tax) dan 10% untuk cukai jualan (sales tax). Anda boleh merujuk bil atau resit setiap kali anda membuat bayaran bil telefon, ASTRO, selepas membeli belah di Tesco, Jusco, Giant dan sebagainya semuanya ada tertera jumlah dan peratusan SST yang dibayar. 

GST yang dicadangkan kerajaan Malaysia pada tahun 2009 adalah pada kadar 4% menjadikannya lebih rendah daripada SST pada kadar 6%-10%. Jadi apa bezanya GST dan SST? Pelaksanaan GST merangkumi segala jenis barangan dan perkhidmatan yang ada di Malaysia termasuk barangan yang diimport mahupun yang dibuat dibuat di Malaysia. GST akan mengenakan cukai pada setiap lapisan peringkat bekalan barangan dan perkhidmatan contohnya dari pengilang (manufacturer), pemborong (wholesaler), peruncit/kedai (retailer) hinggalah kepada pengguna (end-customer). Cukai GST ini akan dikutip setiap kali transaksi berlaku dan penjual akan mengutip cukai daripada pembeli mengikut rantaian bekalan tadi. Walaubagaimanapun 4% itu adalah kadar tetap dan tiada cukai berganda (multiple taxes). SST pula kebiasaannya dikenakan kepada pelanggan yang membeli barangan daripada kedai/peruncit dan terdedah kepada cukai berganda. Pelaksanaan SST juga tidak menyeluruh menjadikan ia tidak saksama.


Idea melaksanakan GST ini mula dibincangkan pada tahun 2007 dan pada mulanya dijadualkan untuk dilaksana pada tahun 2009 kemudiannya ditangguh atas sebab pilihanraya dan juga atas sebab kurangnya pemahaman tentang GST dikalangan rakyat Malaysia. Kemudiannya rang undang-undang GST dibaca diparlimen buat kali pertama pada tahun 2009 dan dijadualkan dibaca untuk kali kedua pada 2010 namun ia ditangguhkan juga atas sebab-sebab yang sama. Anda boleh merujuk keratan berita dari Berita Harian tentang jadual bacaan rang undang-undang GST di sini:

GST yang dicadangkan kerajaan adalah pada kadar rata 4% untuk SETIAP barangan dan perkhidmatan WALAUBAGAIMANAPUN kerajaan akan mengecualikan GST ke atas barangan seperti makanan asas beras, gula, tepung, pengangkutan awam seperti tiket bas, komuter, LRT dan juga barangan seperti ubat-ubatan dan sebagainya. Dengan pengecualian ini kesan kenaikan harga ke atas barangan dan perkhidmatan asas adalah minima (atau tiada). Perkara ini ada dinyatakan di laman web Kastam DiRaja Malaysia tentang GST


GST perlu dilaksanakan untuk meluaskan kadar kenaan cukai kepada semua individu dan perniagaan di Malaysia lalu menambah pendapatan kerajaan secara tidak langsung. GST juga akan menutup kelemahan pengurusan cukai SST seperti cukai berganda, lari daripada cukai (tax evasion) dan sebagainya. Untuk pengetahuan kawan-kawan daripada keseluruhan tenaga buruh (workforce) di Malaysia peratusan yang membayar cukai pendapatan (income tax) adalah kurang daripada 10% sahaja bermakna mereka yang membayar cukai pendapatan adalah sedikit jika dibandingkan dengan mereka yang menerima manfaat daripada kerajaan seperti BR1M, BB1M dan segala bentuk jenis subsidi yang lain. GST akan menjadikan setiap lapisan masyarakat sama ada miskin, sederhana atau kaya membayar cukai untuk menyumbang kepada pendapatan kerajaan. 


GST nampak tidak adil kepada mereka yang berpendapatan rendah kerana mereka terpaksa membayar cukai pada kadar yang sama seperti mereka yang berpendapatan tinggi. Oleh sebab itu kerajaan disamping melaksanakan GST perlu memperkenalkan pakej atau program seperti bayaran tunai atau rebat kepada mereka yang berpendapatan rendah. Program sekarang seperti BR1M boleh dijadikan contoh tetapi pelaksanaannya perlulah teliti dan lebih sistematik agar bayaran tunai untuk menangani kos GST tidak tiris dan terdedah kepada penyelewengan (contohnya: orang yang tidak layak juga terima BR1M). 

Konsep cukai penggunaan (consumption tax) seperti GST adalah semakin banyak anda membeli barang atau menggunakan perkhidmatan semakin banyak cukai yang dibayar. Bermakna anda boleh mengawal perbelanjaan anda secara berhemah dan berjimat. Mereka yang berpendapatan tinggi akan membayar cukai lebih tinggi apabila mereka berbelanja lebih berbanding mereka yang berpendapatan rendah hanya akan berbelanja mengikut kemampuan mereka. Program bantuan tunai daripada kerajaan akan mengurang kesan GST kepada mereka yang berpendapatan rendah.


GST jika dilaksanakan seperti di negara lain contohnya Singapura, apabila GST dilaksanakan kadar cukai pendapatan (income tax) akan dikurangkan secara berperingkat. Ini akan memberi kesan positif kepada pembayar cukai pendapatan di mana mereka akan ada lebih pendapatan boleh guna (disposable income) untuk dibelanja atau disimpan. Walaubagaimanapun kerajaan Malaysia masih belum bercadang untuk mengurangkan kadar cukai pendapatan, mungkin ia akan dimaklumkan kemudian hari. GST juga secara tidak langsung akan menggalakkan rakyat menyimpan untuk pelaburan dan berbelanja secara berhemah dan jika perlu sahaja. 

Mengenai kerisauan dikalangan kita bahawa GST akan meningkatkan harga barangan, memang ia tak dapat dinafikan yang ada sesetengah barangan akan naik harga TETAPI ada juga barangan yang akan turun harga setelah kadar GST 4% ini dilaksanakan kerana sebelum ini SST 6-10% dikenakan maka ada penguranagan kadar cukai disitu. Harga KFC, tiket wayang, bil telco akan berkurang sedikit manakala barangan yang tidak dikenakan cukai SST sebelum ini seperti barangan elektrik, komputer dan sebagainya akan meningkat sedikit. Kita perlu perbetulkan pemahaman dan salahfaham mengenai konsep GST sebelum menganggap ia semata-mata akan menaikkan harga barang.

Kerajaan juga akan membentuk jawatan kuasa yang memantau serta mengawal kadar kenaikan harga barang agar kenaikan harga barang tidak mendadak dan peniaga tidak akan mengutip untung berlebihan: 


Kebelakangan ini tersebar tentang 'GST' telah dilaksanakan melalui penyebaran gambar ini: 

GST yang dimaksudkan diatas adalah 'government service tax' pada kadar 6% dan bukannya Goods and Services Tax pada kadar 4% yang dicadangkan. Sepatutnya Tesco Extra menulisnya sebagai SST atau Service Tax dan bukannya GST untuk mengelakkan kekeliruan seperti diatas. GST 4% akan menggantikan cukai perkhdimatan 6% ini. 

Cukai perkhidmatan diatas sebelum 2011 adalah pada kadar 5% kemudiannya dinaikkan kepada 6% berkuatkuasa 1 Januari 2011. Rujuk:


Di atas saya telah menerangkan konsep, pelaksanaan dan kesan GST kepada kita semua. Jika anda bertanya kepada saya secara peribadi, saya menyokong pelaksanaan GST ini dengan syarat kerajaan meningkatkan kecekapan pengurusan jabatan-jabatan yang terlibat, pemantauan teliti untuk mengelakkan pengguna ditekan atau ditipu peniaga dan penerangan yang lebih jelas kepada rakyat keseluruhannya. Kerajaan juga perlu memperkenalkan pakej atau program yang lebih mampan untuk menangani kesan GST kepada golongan berpendapatan rendah, miskin dan miskin tegar. Pelaksanaan GST tidak boleh dilaksanakan dengan terburu-buru dan perlu diadakan tempoh percubaan (trial period) sepertimana ia dijalankan di negara lain. Disamping itu kerajaan juga sepatutnya menurunkan cukai pendapatan dan juga meningkatkan pendapatan seisi rumah untuk menangani kesan langsung daripada GST.


Saya seorang individu yang pro-Pakatan Rakyat sebenarnya berkongsi kerisauan dengan kawan-kawan tentang cara kerajaan membelanjakan wang cukai yang dikutip. Lihat sahaja berbillion ringgit bocor, tiris dan dibazirkan setiap tahun seperti mana yang digambarkan didalam laporan ketua audit negara. Ini sahaja kerisauan kita bukan? GST adalah dasar yang baik tetapi bolehkah kerajaan dibawah BN membelanjakan wang kita dengan baik dan adakah rakyat akan mendapat faedah ke atas cukai yang dibayar nanti?

Didalam tempoh 5 tahun ini suka atau tidak GST tetap akan dilaksanakan. Bezanya kita sebagai rakyat perlulah memahami konsep GST itu sebelum kita membangkang membuta tuli tanpa fakta dan asas. Nak jadi pembangkang jadi pembangkang yang bijak, mahu jadi macai jadi macai yang cerdik. Harga barang naik atau mahal bukan disebabkan cukai, ia disebabkan monopoli dimana bekalan atau supply barangan dipegang oleh orang-orang tertentu sahaja. Ini yang patut kita tentang dan bangkang. Beras dan gula semuanya dipegang orang yang sama. Jadi mari sama-sama kita tolak monopoli dan favoritisme oleh kerajaan kepada tokey-tokey tertentu. Buka pasaran untuk persaingan sihat supaya akhirnya kita berada dalam situasi menang-menang. Rakyat untung, peniaga untung.

Tambahan: Sesetengah restoran atau perkhidmatan mengenakan service charge 10% yang mana kutipan ini tidak ada kena mengena dengan kerajaan. Jika GST dilaksanakan service charge ini mungkin kekal. Ada beza service charge dan service TAX.


1. Dah habis baca artikel saya sebarkan pada kawan-kawan di Facebook, di pejabat, kepada keluarga dirumah.

2. Jangan merungut sangat, siapa suruh undi BN? :P

3. Bacaan lanjut tentang GST oleh Kastam:

4. Bacaan rang undang-undang GST jika anda rajin membaca:

Friday 3 May 2013


Bismillah (with the name of Allah SWT..)

Assalamualaikum (peace be upon u..) =)

Currently is 1.58 a.m so GOOD EARLY MORNING to the all readers!! i would like to share my EXCITED budget trip to sunway lagoon with my friends..
actually this time is my 7th time to come in 10 years..however, this time is different bcoz they have a new game..yup, NEW GAME n it is AWESOME!! it is called as Vuvuzela..

this is VUVUZELA..seriously it one of best water game for me

It is my biggest attraction to i straight agreed when my friends asked me to join them to sunway lagoon even i've no budget...huhu.. the other reason is bcoz Sunway Lagoon has PROMOTION on EVERY 20TH of month until this Oct 2013.. that's meaning only RM20.00 (for mycard holder only) per entrance ticket for all parks (there are five parks ; water, amusement, extreme, wildlife and scream park). SOO CHEAP!! seriously..the original price is RM90 (for mycard holder only). For more info : or

So, we decided to buy tickets for 20th April 2013.. n the 'geng' are 5 of my classmates, n my BF (of coz la..he cannot be excluded..hehe) 

the poster..seriously RM20 only/ticket

However!! its have CONDITIONS:
-Only for 1st 1000 malaysians;  
-Only available at main counter to buy the tickets
- Each person want to buy this ticket have to attend at the counter (yes, i even see one brought entire of his family to buy tickets)
- and the ticket counter open start at 12.00 a.m (19th) ..repeat! 12 A.M...seriously, what the??? so what time have to come to start a queue??

So, i made a 'research' a little bit at their official FB about the previous feedback. Mostly people said unsatisfied since there are chaos during that time, some 'shameless' people cut the line of people who came early..yeah,they started to queue at 10pm...hence..

Night of 19th April 2013:

This time my friends and i prepared mentally n physically (mental to wait the queue for hours n physically to fight with 'those' who 'shameless'), we leaved from UKM bangi after maghrib (around 8.00 pm) n reached there around 9.00 pm...emm..i'm naively thinking, okey no worry, we arrived early. My BF is still otw since he come all the way from Banting.

my pupils size become bigger...haha, seriously, there r already hundreds of people queuing behind the gate bars..ok fine! so we went to the main gate..n the guards gave each one of us a card written a number (so that they know the no. of people, hence when reached the limit 1000, they can close the gate). 

What number that i've got? let me see... hah?! 611..perghh...its still 9.15 p.m and i'm already 611th person. Hurm..i've started to worry, my BF still on his down..there still 389 vacancies..huhu..positive!

Until 9.45 p.m, the no. r increasing, n what we r doing?? sitting down behind the bars waiting the counter to open, n we cannot get out..seriously like got arrested...haha...Finally, my BF getting there (with his younger sis) n got the no. 782th..

Okey, now continue to boring.....infront of me there was an indian family,, with a father hold his daughter (around 3++ years) who look like really sleepy but still have to wait..ermm..

However around 10.10 pm, the limit 1000 finally reached, n the sunway lagoon crews decided to open the counter early (yes! yes!). So, after a few mins, finally we got the wristband ticket for each of us. But, we have to wear it that time too (in my mind, what? have to sleep with it?  =,=) comment.

So, that's all about the eve night. We reached at UKM around 12 a.m (having dinner after bought the tickets) n sleep early to save energy for tomorrow. Promise to meet at 8.30 a.m. (BLEH PERCAYA KE?)

Morning of 20th April 2013

#My tip!
-  Sunway lagoon opens at Pls have your breakfast 1st before that. That bcoz of any outside foods n drinks are not allowed to bring in..n the price of beverages in there is quite expensive for me (that's common for tourism place)
- However u can bring mineral water, so dun't forget it..seriously important bcoz u will quickly feel thirsty when playing unless u want to drink water from watercooler (free of charge) or buy drinks (kachinggg.. $$$)

So, we decided to breakfast 8.30 am, i'm waiting my friends to pick up me at my residential college..we're lucky to go outside UKM on that day bcoz they announced that there will be no electricity (someplace also no water) in i;m happy..haha

9.30 am..still waiting..n finally they came..huh!! overslept..sighh... so we cannot get our proper breakfast (only ate gardenia bread in the car)..n reached at Sunway lagoon around 11 am. The funny thing is, six of us went there in one car, n that car is kancil..can u imagine?? 2 boys and 4 girls in moderate size sat together? of coz la 4 of the girls have to squeeze at back seat..

somewhat like my friend's car..but his one is in blue color..n six of us in there!

We entered sunway, n one of my friend ask to join bungy, we go to the counter, n ask about the price (since its is excluded from the package) budget for only her to do it..yup..her..

After registered, her jump was scheduled at 5 pm, so we're all decided to play Extreme park : paintball. Our lucky, there is no people, so we just come in, grab the pistol n shot. Around 10 shots, that?? so we went to rock climbing.

us..actually the floor is we wearing slipper..hehe
We want to climb, the track is not very high...however, the hot weather make the rock become fire stone to just 2 rocks, take pictures n blah from there..hehehe

then, went to ATV motor riding..pergh...the queue line is, me n my BF went to have walk first (with his sis also ok..),meanwhile my friends waiting..huhu.. For us, 3 of us, we decided to play vuvuzela...haha..
waiting for vuvuzela (have to climb up stairs 3-4 storeys??) hehe
only capture other people pic..haha..coz whose gonna take for us? =,=

haha...seriously AWESOME n FUN for me for riding vuvuzela...the world's largest water ride (as they claimed..) try to experience it yourself when have a chance! regret!

after vuvuzela..we play another water ride..hehe..
After 2 games (about after 30 mins), we went back to our friends..omg..they still waiting but smiling..hehe.. started to feel guilty bcoz not waiting for them to ride vuvuzela (sorryy....hahaha)

all of us who came in one car..
me and him..the white 'cap' on top of his head is must wear thing to ride ATV
finally, we have our ATV's!!!
after riding ATV..
ATV riding is about 5-10mins? its still fun to me even in second time tried it. The dislike is the short track..however overall its still one of must ride game. =)

Then we ride vuvuzela!! (again.. for me,bf n his sis..hehe)

before departure..5 peoples per ride.

also we recorded a camera video during riding the vuvuzela as memory..haha..
P/sss..i've brought waterproof digital camera so that can capture moment like this..(later will upload, since my line is slow as snail today).....n after that we played water slides..again... then we played water ride using double tube (couple per ride)..

waiting for riding 
ready for departure of water sliding??

So..after the rides, me n my BF took a rest at swimming pool with others two my friends. I started to feel exhausted (of coz la..not having proper breakfast n playing excessively) 

our moment..1 of my friend ask, how did i open my eyes n smiling like that in the water? with a little confused , i answered..just like that la,,,haha

Then we all went to new attraction at sunway, waterplexx5D. It's miserable for me..the queue line is very long...after 1 hour waiting before entered,  but the play is very short like 5 mins? only a little bit shaking chair, water splash from nowwhere suddenly..the story like u want to escape from a pirate offense, but before i've already tried 6D theater at KL Tower which is so exciting , so this time is only so-so for me...

not very exciting to me..
Then, we went to scream house (actually only 5 of us..the boys, me n my sis..others not very brave to get in), but another one park that not wasting time..the 'ghost' is zombie style, the make up looking real however, their little bit plain to no scream from us, instead laughing when see the zombies n ghosts...hahaha. After that, we went to play almost all amusement park (some of them was closed for improvement..=().

At 5 pm, my friend, asmak went to bungeeeee.....wahhhhh...
Here are the steps you need to follow before the jump:

1) Fill up and sign a "Life & Death Agreement". 
2) Weight yourself and your weight will be written on your hand with a permanent marker.
3) Walk all the way to the bridge and wait for your turn
4) Surrender all your belongings and they will not be responsible if any of your things drop into the lake.
5) They will wrap your leg nicely. You can request them either wet yourself at head level or half body. Of course, you also can opt out from getting wet but what is the fun, right?
6) Tip top to the jumping board and listen to a countdown instruction
7) Don't look down and jump...close your eyes if you want or scream as loud as u can.
8) Hang in there until you are being picked up.

See that? she is so brave...the height is like 22 m n she jumped twice!
Then, we hang out to swim at the artificial beach, however, not more than 10 min, the life guards got rid of us to make space for surfer for boarding wave (all of us means every one at the beach)...huh..

Thus, we decided to blah n wash out..however, one accident happen when one of my friend's bag is stole by some guys, there are not valuable thing in there, but! still there have clothes in we all look for it, in the garbage,toilets etc..n 

So, dear friends, pls keep your belonging in the locker ya. 
Price is rm5/locker (can only open once) n rm15/locker (can open anytime u want) until 6pm only since the park closed on 7pm everyday.

We were the last group who got out from sunway...n lucky for us, we found the bag in men's washroom.. =)

We having our dinner (actually 3 in 1;breakfast,lunch, dinner)..out trip no end likes that! i'm very tired (n also i've stomach ache..maybe gastric) ..but my friends are so hyper..seriously hyper! they asked to go to having meatball at IKEA damansara, what??? ritenow we're having a dinner but still want to go eat? but..since i'm hitching with i just followed them. 

At 10 pm, we having meatballs, n 11pm we went back, however! not finish yet......=,=
They want to go to the beach (bagan lalang wey......seriously guys? did u all did not tired??) In the way, they change the plan n went to Selayang hot spring..we arrived there at 12 am..yup...we hope can rest a little at there..but unfortunately, the hot spring is outdoors n a lot of peoples at not comfortable to sleep on the ground under banana tree...ahahaha ..So, wedecided to go back to UKM....yeayy!!! finally alhamdullilah..

We arrived at there around 1 am..n the end of the day..yes the end...and of coz la i've deep slept that night! =p


Thanks to all readers